Friday, September 24, 2010

Chinese children.

Mom's capped the internet. The reason for me not blogging so often. It's ridiculous, im the only one that uses it so how could i have killed all those bytes. I get carried away on the superficial world of the web. Not at all in a weird -i sit behind my computer all day - way.

My lifes been one big rush the past few weeks. And the next couple of days getting off is going to be grand. I've been with ross alot, when i say alot i mean everyday. We're patching it up, whatever it is. We have to fix it, because no matter how hard i try to convince myself that i don't need to be with him. I know its all i have. And if he wasn't there, what would there be?
Maybe thats just be drinking myself into a stupor, drinking in all of him. And some liquor too.

Im posting from ross's bed, from my mobile. I need to get my shit sorted out and get these here posts looking dandy.

Im going to fall asleep listening to Simon & Garfunkle. Never fails to let me slip away.

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